
Express Entry

Express Entry is a selection system used to manage applications for permanent residence under these federal economic immigration programs:

  • The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSW)
  • The Federal Skilled Trades Program (FST), and
  • The Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
  • Provinces and territories can also recruit candidates from the Express Entry Pool through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)


Potential candidates complete an online Express Entry profile. Those who meet the criteria of one of the federal immigration programs listed above will be accepted into a pool of candidates.


The highest-ranking candidates in the pool will be invited to apply for permanent residence. Candidates will be ranked against others in the pool using a point-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System. Points are awarded using the information in their profile. Candidates with the highest scores in the pool will be issued an Invitation to Apply.

  • Federal Skilled Workers
  • Federal Skilled Trades
  • Canadian Experience Class
  • Provincial Nominee Program
  • Family Class